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Confiance Totale: radio for norm change

Social norm(s) addressesd:
“You should have as many children as soon as possible after marriage” & “Family planning is a woman’s business, men do not need to hear about it”

Organisation: Breakthrough Action

Confiance Totale, or Total Confidence in English, is a radio campaign mainly aimed at quality assurance for healthcare services, but with hints of norm change that provide a good example of how you can integrate normative messaging into your more routine work. The spots focus on promoting confidence in FP methods and services, couple communication about FP use, postpartum FP, and healthy birth spacing. As the campaign took place in the midst of COVID-19, some of the radio spots encourage FP access and use in the context of the pandemic. All the scripts are available through the link below.

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GREAT Project for married/parenting adolescents

Social norm(s) addressesd:
“Adolescents do not need to discuss puberty and sexuality”; “A community should prioritise education for boys instead of girls”

Organisation: Pathfinder and others

The GREAT project toolkit includes resources such as a boardgame and activity cards aimed at facilitating discussions between and with adolescents, in same-gender groups or together. It is a simple approach that could inspire you to adapt it for your context.

Further Information
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GREAT Project pour adolescents mariés/parents

Social norm(s) addressesd:
“Adolescents do not need to discuss puberty and sexuality”; “A community should prioritise education for boys instead of girls”

Organisation: Pathfinder et autres

La boîte à outils du projet GREAT comprend des ressources telles qu’un jeu de société et des cartes d’activités visant à faciliter les discussions entre et avec les adolescents, en groupes de même sexe ou ensemble. C’est une approche simple qui pourrait vous inspirer pour l’adapter à votre contexte.

Informations complémentaires