Social norm(s) addressesd:
“Men should make the final decisions on family planning”
Organisation: FACT Project in Nepal
PRAGATI is a series of nine interactive games that diffuse information about fertility and family planning in group settings to community members, catalysing conversations about reproductive health. Through the games, participants critically reflect on their own attitudes and the expectations of others that impact their reproductive health behaviours and decision making.
Further InformationGame F: Hot Potato

To explore participants’ values around children and to open conversation about possible benefits of family planning
- A small ball, potato or another ball-shaped object
Take Away Messages:
- Couples can talk together and make a choice about how many children they want to have and when they want to get pregnant.
- There are benefits fo delaying first birth for women, men, and couples.
Today we are going fo begin discussing how couples can talk to each other about having children. and how they can choose when to get pregnant by using family planning.
How fo Play:
- Begin the game by gathering everyone in a circle. Make sure each participant has room fo move their arms. Tell participants that we are going to have a conversation about how couples can talk together about having children and how they can choose when and how many children to have.
- Explain that the ball you are holding is a “hot potato” that you don’t want to hold for very long. So the point of the game is to pass the “hot potato” to someone else as quickly as possible. But before you can pass the “hot potato” to someone else, you have to say an answer to a question. It is important to pass the ball quickly and not think TOO much about what you are saying.