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Tékponon Jikuagou: community influencers for norm change

Social norm(s) addressesd:
“Married couples should have many children quickly” “Married couples should listen to your elders when making decisions about birth spacing”

Organisation: USAID

Using an approach centred on community influencers, this project proved to be effective in addressing the social norms that discourage women and men who want to space or limit births from taking actions to seeking services. The approach is also called “social network diffusion”. One of the activities focused on linking FP provider with community influencers through the “Each One Invites 3” campaign, which asked network actors to reach out to family and peers not using family planning, talk about (diffuse) their experiences, and offer a Family Planning Invitation Card to encourage them to seek information and services. The project also used radio messages and influencer capacity building.

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Confiance Totale: radio for norm change

Social norm(s) addressesd:
“You should have as many children as soon as possible after marriage” & “Family planning is a woman’s business, men do not need to hear about it”

Organisation: Breakthrough Action

Confiance Totale, or Total Confidence in English, is a radio campaign mainly aimed at quality assurance for healthcare services, but with hints of norm change that provide a good example of how you can integrate normative messaging into your more routine work. The spots focus on promoting confidence in FP methods and services, couple communication about FP use, postpartum FP, and healthy birth spacing. As the campaign took place in the midst of COVID-19, some of the radio spots encourage FP access and use in the context of the pandemic. All the scripts are available through the link below.

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